About Me

Hello. Thank you for stumbling upon my blog. I don't know how you found it but thanks anyway.

My name is Sarah, an aspiring Graphic Designer from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am 18 this year and studying at Point College Damansara under Diploma in Graphic Design, of course. 

This blog was intentionally made to showcase my work and progress throughout my college years. Most of them are assignments given by my lecturers but if you want to check out my personal work, I am more active on Tumblr. Link is on the navigation bar.

I started playing around with Photoshop when I was 13 after I was intrigued by all the beautiful designs on Tumblr. I was really envious of their talent and decided to try it out myself. Everything was self-taught, I didn't go to any Photoshop classes. I just watched and read tutorials online. You now, anything is accessible nowadays. It's just a click away. Beginner's phase is always the hardest. You can't help but to feel unconfident and constantly compare your work with others but determination is the key of your own evolution. Everyday, I struggle to improve my artistic skills, finding out my strengths and weaknesses in every aspect so that I can become who I want to be in the future. 

Thanks for reading my somewhat sentimental introduction. I just wanted it to be long and seem inspirational. Have a good day.


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