8; Final Assignment | Inside Out

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS6, Adobe Photoshop CS6
Tools: Pen Tool, Brush Tool, Pencil Tool, Eyedropper Tool, Burn Tool, Dodge Tool

+First of all, come up with a sketch for your vector illustration. As you can see, my concept is pretty girly with the pastel colours and beauty elements but it's also pretty grim in a way. I was trying to portray 'inner beauty', making her flesh as a facade and she's 'smiling inside'? Idk. It's 2 AM and I'm talking nonsense.

+Next, trace as you normally would in AI using pen tool. I also used pencil to make some small details.

+Lastly, add some textures (optional) to your vector illustration and I used brush tools to add some details and shading I guess to the background to appear a little more 3D. Used the brush tool, dodge tool and burn tool to contour and highlight. Added some textures to the nail polishes and changed the opacity. Sadly, I haven't found an easy way to recreate hair textures on AI as I do not own a drawing tablet yet. I tried using pen tool/pencil tool but it turned out to be horrendous out of shape so I decided to just apply some hair textures onto the canvas.


An introvert who likes a lot of things such as food, models, editing, reading, kpop and the list goes on. In conclusion, I like things that are therapeutic to my eyes.

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