2; Tracing 3D Image | Banana

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS6
Tool: Pen Tool, Mesh Tool, Eyedropper Tool, Selection Tool
Subject: Basic Computer

Original Image

+ Open an image and place it on a blank canvas. Lock it in its position to prevent from moving.
+ By using the same tracing method as last week, trace the outline of the image one by one. For instance, start by first tracing the body of the apple/banana. Then the stem, leaf, shadows, etc.
+ Use different layers for each part to make everything more organised and editable.
+ Click on the Mesh tool on the tool bar and begin outlining the 3D image.

+ Use Direct Selection tool and the eyedropper tool to fill in the shapes and colours.
+ Finally, compare the colours & shapes to the original image. Make sure they are as similar as possible.



An introvert who likes a lot of things such as food, models, editing, reading, kpop and the list goes on. In conclusion, I like things that are therapeutic to my eyes.

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