5; Photo Collage | Ahn Jaehyun

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6
Tools: Quick Selection Tool, Polygonal Lasso Tool, Brush Tool, Paint Bucket Tool, Eraser

+Firstly, create a new blank canvas on Photoshop.
+ Start off by first cutting out the outlines of the images by using the Quick Selection Tool. The harsh edges can be removed by clicking on the 'Refine Edge' button located at the top.
+ Move the images to the blank canvas and place it wherever you prefer. Play with the textures and layers.

Images used:

* I do not own these images. Credits go to the owners. 

End result: 


An introvert who likes a lot of things such as food, models, editing, reading, kpop and the list goes on. In conclusion, I like things that are therapeutic to my eyes.

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