2; Who are you?

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS6
Tools: Pen Tool, Shape Tool, Type Tool, Eyedropper Tool

Task: Create six posters using words that represent yourself. The elements of good typography design such as the right usage of font type to represent certain emotions and words, the right size that is enough to convey your message and the usage of kerning and leading for your posters. A good colour scheme will instantly add impact to the posters as well depending on your own characteristics.

+ The fonts that I chose depend on the characteristics themselves but mostly, I went for Sans-serif because in my opinion, it blends seamlessly with any types of design and Sans-serif fonts are widely used in the modern age as well. I like to keep my design style unfussy and minimal as possible.

+ The colour scheme that I chose consists mostly muted and pastel colours because in my opinion, they are more versatile in designs.

+ For the shapes, I just traced some of the vectors that I found on Google as usual. Nothing special.


An introvert who likes a lot of things such as food, models, editing, reading, kpop and the list goes on. In conclusion, I like things that are therapeutic to my eyes.

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