3; Curriculum Vitae

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6
Tools: Type Tool, Shape Tool, Pen Tool, Line Tool, Eyedropper Tool, Eraser Tool

As a designer, it is crucial to make our résumé to be one of a kind and appealing to our potential employer. The reason is to set our calibre and distinct ourselves from other designers. It is way of conveying our message to the potential employer why we should be hired for the hot seat through our design and not just the details of the résumé. Often we find the CV for designers are more vibrant, eye-catching and uniquely designed compared to regular résumés. Since we are already in the creative industry, why not try to make everything as interesting and free-spirited as possible?

+ Similarly to the assignment the week before, I applied the standard rules of typography for my CV and for the shapes, I used the shape tool and traced like I normally would.

+ My goal for this CV was to make it cluster-free by inserting mainly vital informations about myself but not in a dull and plain way.

+ I chose these three colours because they're my favourite colours to use for design as they are not only versatile but the blue is attention grabbing in a way that it is not too neon and bright that could hurt the eyes.

*not my real address and phone number as I do not feel comfortable posting them publicly 


An introvert who likes a lot of things such as food, models, editing, reading, kpop and the list goes on. In conclusion, I like things that are therapeutic to my eyes.

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