3; Advertising Campaign - Branding

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6
Tools: Brush tool, Eraser tool, Eyedropper, Type tool, Shape tool, Smudge tool, Quick Selection tool, Liquify tool

For the first image, in order to create the smudged makeup effect, for the eyes, I used a rounded brushed with blurred edges to create the panda eyes and then used the smudge tool to intensify the look. Acrylic and watercolour brushes were also look to create the crying trace. Pretty dramatic.

For the lips, I used the same technique. 

For the second image, I just used the smudge tool to create the foamy looking 'sea' coffee and erased the excess image using rounded brush eraser again. 

For the third image, using the Quick Selection tool, cut out Deadpool and the hamburger. Paste it accordingly and use the Liquify tool to squish the edges of the burger just a little bit.


An introvert who likes a lot of things such as food, models, editing, reading, kpop and the list goes on. In conclusion, I like things that are therapeutic to my eyes.

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